Monday, October 25, 2010

This Week

Not a lot happened this week. Went to broom ball on Tuesday. MEGA Meeting on Wednesday. Thursday went to the Homecoming Pig Roast, I had a hamburger :) Sunday had a hockey game and broom ball game to go to. Hubby and I actually got some cleaning on the house done. The living room looks great. That is all I had on my calendar. :)

In financial crisis right now. We have 2.77 in the bank. Get paid on Friday, thank goodness. The lawsuit I am in is ending so we should see some money from that, but who knows when we will get it. :( Thinking of selling some of my collections. Hubby told me to really think about it but they sit in our basement because there is no where to display them. Someone has reds stuff everywhere :) You would think getting paid on Friday would be a great thing but all the money is spoken for. I wish we could just go out shopping for something, anything and not have to worry about how much I have to spend or what I need to move around to purchase this.

School still hasn't responded about the enrollment of me. Dude said a few days but their official email said it could take up to six weeks to make a decision. :( That is a long time to wait. And this is another financial thing I can't think about right now. :(

Wow this blog is really sad. :( Didn't go to the library until Sunday but I got three new books. Two are from the Betsy series, the other is the Dark Hunter Companion. Started the next Betsy, we'll see how this one goes.

Catch ya later.

1 comment:

  1. Some day, all of the money problems will vanish. :-) I wish we had extra also...but I think things will look up eventually. We're still in a better place than so many others. I do wish we had money to just go do things.

    Brian said you will be in no worries...just whether it is Hamilton or Oxford. :-) Be happy!

    I've been bragging about you going back to school to everyone!
